Who’s Who

Our Vicar
Rev Leanne Carr

email: rev.leanne@outlook.com
tel: 07496 783906

Honorary Assistant Priest
Fr Roger Sheppard

Louise Richmond

Deputy Churchwarden:
Rob Gibson

Hon. Secretary P.C.C.:
Rosamund Douglas

Hon. Church Treasurer:
John Blundell

Electoral Roll Officer:
Jenny Blundell

Church Centre Managers:
Karen Griffiths-Brennen and Karen Handy

For all enquiries about Church activities including our regular services,
Baptism, Marriage and Funerals
please contact asfouroaks@gmail.com
or the Parish Office on 0121 308 6869

For all enquiries about activities in the Church Centre,
including queries about booking the Centre for an event,
please contact allsaintsfouroaks@yahoo.co.uk
or visit www.allsaintschurchcentre.org.uk
or telephone the Parish Office on 0121 308 6869