Food and Friends!

As an offering to our community we are launching Food and Friends!

We hope some of you that enjoyed our Luncheon Club, pre-pandemic, will join us again.

It will take place on the third Thursday of every month and we are sure it will provide a delicious meal, some great company and an opportunity for you to meet other people and for us to meet you!

Click here for some photo’s from our first session!

Unfortunately we are no longer able to run our Luncheon Club.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who made it possible before the Covid pandemic.

LuncheonClubThe Senior Citizens’ Luncheon Club provides good home cooking at a low cost twice a week at the Church Centre, members come from all over Sutton and beyond to enjoy each other’s company. The lunches take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12.15 pm. Advice is available if you need help with transport.